BMI Vs Body Fat Percentage: Which Is More Important?

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Weight loss | 0 comments

BMI Vs Body Fat Percentage


This blog will take you through the age-old debate: BMI Vs Body Fat Percentage. 

We know that BMI and Body Fat Percentage are widely recognised and utilised metrics for health and fitness assessment. But which one is more important? The answer isn’t clear-cut since each metric has its own advantages and shortcomings. 

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Let’s get started and break it down in this blog. 

BMI: What Is It?

BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a number that tells you whether you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. It is a straightforward measurement, calculated by dividing an individual’s weight in kilograms by their height’s square in meters. 

The formula for calculating BMI is, 

BMI= weight (kg)/height (m²)

Know if you are

  • Underweight= <18.5
  • Normal weight= 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight= 25 to 29.9
  • Obese= ≥30

Here’s the link to the BMI calculator.

Sounds very simple, right? But here’s the catch- BMI doesn’t take into account muscle mass or where your weight is distributed. It doesn’t consider factors like age, sex, or muscle mass- a key limitation is particular, given muscle weighs more than fat. 

Body Fat Percentage: The Deeper Measure

Body fat percentage measurement involves assessing the proportion of fat within an individual’s body. It includes both essential body fat (found in your muscles, organs, and bones) and storage body fat (that serves as energy reserves and insulation). Unlike BMI, the body fat percentage takes into account your muscle mass and where your fat is stored. 

For Men:

  • Essential Fat: 2-5%
  • Athletes: 6-13%
  • Fitness: 14-17%
  • Acceptable: 18-24%
  • Overweight: 25% and above

For Women:

  • Essential Fat: 10-13%
  • Athletes: 14-20%
  • Fitness: 21-24%
  • Acceptable: 25-31%
  • Overweight: 32% and above

*Note: Body fat percentage can vary based on factors such as age, genetics, and individual health goals. 

You can measure Body fat percentage using skin-fold callipers, bioelectrical impedance, DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), Hydrostatic weighing, etc. You can also try old-school methods with a tape measure and some math skills. 

Understanding Body fat percentage is crucial for setting realistic fitness goals and assessing overall health. So, we would recommend consulting a healthcare professional or wellness expert for accurate measurements. After all, it’s not just about how much you weigh but what you are made of! 

BMI Vs Body Fat Percentage: Which Is More Important?

Coming to the million-dollar question: Which is more important, and which one should you pay more attention to? Well, both BMI and Body fat percentage have pros and cons, and they give you different pieces of the puzzle when it comes to your health. 

BMI can give you a quick snapshot of where you stand, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. While it serves as a general health indicator, it is not without its inherent shortcomings, leading to potential misinterpretations and inaccurate categorisations. 

On the other hand, Body fat percentage offers a deeper analysis and accurately reflects the relationship between lean mass, fat tissue, and overall well-being, which influences mobility, cardiovascular health, and quality of life.

Comparing BMI and Body fat percentage, the latter offers a more detailed understanding of overall health and fitness. 

Practical Applications And Considerations

If you are trying to lose weight, focusing on reducing your body fat percentage might be more effective than just trying to lower your BMI. 

Seek professional guidance to understand what your numbers mean and how to use them to reach your goals. 

Always remember: It is not always about the numbers on the scale or the fat percentage on your body. True health and wellness come from taking care of your body inside and out. Prioritise sleep, stress management and overall happiness. 


In the battle of BMI Vs Body fat percentage, ideally, both metrics are to be used together to get a comprehensive understanding of your health and fitness. While BMI gives you a quick & easy way to know your weight status, body fat percentage provides a more detailed look at your body composition. So, make a more informed decision about your lifestyle hereafter!

Note: To explore more engaging content and stay connected, feel free to visit VeCura Wellness YouTube channel for exciting videos, insightful discussions, and much more.

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The wellness experts and certified dieticians at VeCura Wellness evaluate your body in one-on-one consultations and hear out your concerns before suggesting a personalised treatment plan. 

You need not worry about the side effects, since the treatments are 100% safe, scientifically-backed, quick-result oriented, non-invasive, required no downtime and are trusted by thousands of people!

BMI Vs Body Fat Percentage: FAQs

1). Which is better BMI or Body fat percentage?

While BMI provides a general overview, body fat percentage take into account the proportion of fat, muscle, and bone, offering a more accurate assessment. 

2). Why is my BMI high but body fat low?

Having a high BMI but low body fat percentage could indicate higher muscle mass, which weighs more than fat. This means that while the BMI categorises individuals into higher weight categories, their actual body fat content may be low due to this muscular build. 

3). Can you convert BMI to body fat percentage?

BMI cannot be directly converted to body fat percentage as they measure different aspects of body composition. While BMI assess weight relative to height, body fat percentage measures proportion of fat, muscle, and bone in body. 

4). Is there a correlation between BMI and Body fat percentage?

There is a correlation between BMI and body fat percentage, but individual factors like muscle mass can influence their relationship. 

5). What is the healthiest BMI?

The healthiest BMI range is typically considered to be between 18.5 and 24.9, indicating a normal weight.

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