11 Easy Steps on How to Break Weight Loss Plateau

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Weight loss | 0 comments

easy steps on how to break weight loss plateau

Are you feeling stuck in your weight loss journey? We all know how demotivating it can be when the scale refuses to budge, no matter how hard we try. But trust us, you’re not alone. A weight loss plateau is when your weight doesn’t change for a prolonged period, even after strictly following your fitness regime.

In this blog, we will walk you through 11 easy steps on how to break the weight loss plateau.

From adjusting your calorie intake to incorporating new exercises, we’ll explore strategies to help you overcome this hurdle and continue your journey toward a healthier, fitter you. Keep reading to know more!

What Is A Weight Loss Plateau?

A weight loss plateau is a phase in a weight loss journey when progress slows or stops despite continued efforts. It’s a common event that often occurs after a period of successful weight loss. 

The body reacts to changes in food and exercise, creating a drop in metabolism and making further weight loss difficult. Consider changing your workout strategy, changing your diet, or getting enough sleep to break through a plateau. 

Patience is key – these plateaus are temporary, and you can persist and resume your weight loss trajectory in no time!

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What Causes A Weight Loss Plateau?

Think of it like this: your body gets used to the changes you’ve made, so it doesn’t need as much energy as before, making weight loss tougher. It’s like hitting a roadblock on your journey.

Imagine your body as a smart machine that tries to keep things balanced. When you start losing weight by eating healthier and being active, your body notices this change. 

To adapt to this change, your body might slow down your metabolism a bit. Metabolism is like the engine that burns calories to give you energy. Slowing it down means your body burns fewer calories, which can slow down your weight loss.

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Also, as you shed pounds, your body might not need as many calories as before because there’s less of you to fuel. This can affect your appetite, making you feel less hungry.

And sometimes, without even realising it, we might start eating a little more, thinking we’ve got more room since we’re active. These extra calories can add up and stop the weight loss progress.

Stress and lack of sleep are some reasons, too. They mess with your hormones that control hunger, and stress can even lead to emotional eating. All these factors combined can lead to a frustrating weight loss plateau.

Symptoms Of A Weight Loss Plateau

Recognising a weight loss plateau is crucial for staying on track toward your goals. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • You feel like you need to sleep more: If you suddenly become fatigued and wish to sleep more, this could be a symptom of a plateau. When your body’s metabolism slows down, it can affect your energy levels.
  • You’re not hungry anymore: When you first began losing weight, you may have felt hungry due to increased physical activity. However, if your appetite suddenly drops, this could be your body’s method of adapting to a reduced metabolism.
  • You’re following a new diet: If you’ve made changes to your diet, such as eating healthier foods or reducing portion sizes, but you’re still not losing weight, this could suggest a plateau.
  • It’s the same weight for a long time: If your weight has remained stable for a few weeks despite your efforts, this is a strong indication of a plateau. This is especially true if you previously lost weight consistently.
  • You’re tired and lack energy: Feeling more tired than usual and lacking energy even though you’re eating well and exercising can point to a plateau.

Now that you are aware of the possible symptoms, let us discuss how to get out of this weight loss plateau with just a little changes to your lifestyle.

11 Easy Steps On How To Break Weight Loss Plateau

Here are 11 easy steps on how to break the weight loss plateau:

1. Be Patient And Consistent

Weight loss plateaus are common and frustrating, but they don’t mean you’re failing. Keep at it, and don’t give up. If things are really tough, it’s okay to ask a doctor or a dietitian for advice.

Remember that everyone’s body responds differently, so it might take some experimentation to find the right combination of strategies that work for you.

2. Incorporate Refeed Days

Surprisingly, eating a bit more on occasion can actually help. If you’ve been eating fewer calories for a while, your body might think it’s in “survival mode.” Having a day where you eat a bit more healthy food can signal to your body that it’s not in danger.

3. Keep A Close Track Of Your Progress

Writing down what you eat, your exercise routines, and how you’re feeling can help you understand what might be causing the plateau. It’s like a map that helps you find your way through.

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4. Try To Reduce Your Stress

 Stress can mess up your weight loss efforts. It triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol, which can lead to weight gain. Find ways to relax, whether that’s through meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

Tips: Also check the How To Reduce Stress And Weight Gain?

5. Sleep Well

Believe it or not, sleep affects your weight. When you don’t get enough sleep, it messes with hormones that control your appetite. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to keep your body in balance.

6. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for many reasons, including weight loss. Sometimes, when we’re thirsty, we mistake it for hunger. Drinking enough water can help prevent overeating.

7. Eat More Protein 

Protein isn’t just for bodybuilders. It helps your muscles recover and keeps you feeling full for longer. Foods like chicken, beans, fish, and yogurt are great sources of protein that can support your weight loss journey.

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8. Monitor Your Portion Sizes

Even if you’re eating healthy foods, having too much of them can slow down your progress. Pay attention to portion sizes. Using measuring cups or a food scale can help you eat the right amount.

11. Evaluate Your Calorie Intake

Remember that your body’s calorie needs change as you lose weight. Reevaluate how many calories you should consume each day to match your current weight. Avoid consuming excess calories.

9. Increase Intensity

If you’ve been working out consistently, you could try increasing the intensity of your workouts. This might mean lifting heavier weights, running faster, or simply pushing yourself a bit harder during your exercise sessions.

10. Change Your Workout Routine

Doing the same exercise routine for a while can make your body get used to it. Switch things up by trying new workouts. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength training, or even joining a sports team can give your muscles a new challenge.

Tips: Also check the The Link Between Stress and Weight Gain

Visit Vecura Wellness For Any Weight Loss-Related Solutions!

VeCura Wellness is a premium weight loss clinic located in almost six cities across Tamil Nadu. We offer reliable solutions to tackle your weight loss concerns with a team of qualified experts.

At VeCura Wellness, we have various services designed to suit each person’s needs, like body shaping and tummy trimming. We use advanced technology and have a team of qualified wellness experts and certified nutritionists to personalise every step of your weight loss journey.

Why opt for VeCura Wellness?

  • Trusted and effective treatments
  • Customised consultations catering to you
  • Individualised care through personal sessions


Making progress in your weight loss journey can be a fulfilling but challenging experience. It’s important to be aware of the symptoms of a weight loss plateau to keep making progress. 

If you find yourself needing more sleep, experiencing decreased hunger, or facing a consistent weight, don’t feel discouraged. These signs indicate that your body is adapting to the changes, and with strategic adjustments to your routine, diet, and lifestyle, you can overcome plateaus and continue moving towards your weight loss goals. 

Remember that plateaus are only temporary problems that you can overcome soon!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. How do you break a weight gain plateau?

The only way to break your weight gain plateau is to eat more. You’re still stuck in a weight gain plateau because you’re probably not consuming enough calories. You can try increasing your calorie intake to 500 daily to see a change. 

  1. How long do weight loss plateaus last?

Usually, weight loss plateaus begin after six months of following a low-calorie diet. Once it kicks in, it can last up to a minimum of four weeks and sometimes even months. 

  1. How quickly do you hit a weight loss plateau?

According to many studies, weight loss plateaus happen after over 6 months of beginning your weight loss regimen. 

  1. Can a cheat daybreak a plateau?

Yes, a cheat day can break your weight loss plateau! Cheat days can signal your body that the “famine” is over and help increase metabolism.

  1. Will a weight loss plateau resolve itself?

Unfortunately, a weight loss plateau won’t go away on its own. So if you’re facing one and want it to be resolved, it’s time you change your diet/fitness routine.

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