Enter a world of rejuvenation and wellness at our exclusive weight loss clinic in A.S.Rao Nagar, Hyderabad. VeCura Wellness Clinic transforms traditional weight loss procedures with personalised care and sophisticated treatments. We build bespoke plans adapted to your specific body and lifestyle, so say goodbye to generic solutions. Our devoted team of trained wellness experts will assist you in your journey to a healthier, more vibrant you. Our weight loss centre in A.S. Rao Nagar, Hyderabad, offers comprehensive wellbeing.
Book Free ConsultationUltrasound Therapy: We offer ultrasound therapy which concerns to remove fat cells permanently using high-frequency sound waves without damaging surrounding tissues
View TreatmentCoolsculpting Treatment: At the A.S. Rao branch of Vecura Wellness, you will find the best coolsculpting treatment where the treatment is carried out by our well-trained and qualified experts. The treatment is very effective for permanent fat loss upto 27% in the area treated
View TreatmentPPC Treatment: In A.S.Rao Nagar, we offer PPC for skin rejuvenation and body contouring. We use light waves to promote the repair and regeneration of damaged skin for enhanced appearance.
View TreatmentObesity Platform: Our comprehensive non-surgical solution uses advanced radio frequency and vacuum therapy to treat stubborn fat deposits, stimulate lymphatic drainage, boost blood circulation, and reduce fat cell volume.
View TreatmentVeCura Wellness is your go- to destination for safe, effective, non-invasive treatments. Our branches are spread across South India, ensuring that you have easy access to the best treatments for weight loss, permanent fat reduction, inch loss, and body contouring. Experience the power of our treatments performed by our wellness experts at a location close to you and say goodbye to your health concerns with our FDA-approved, non-surgical procedures!
Store LocatorWe provide advanced therapies such as Ultrasound Therapy, Ultratone Treatment, PPC, and Obesity Platform
Yes, all our treatments use FDA-approved technology to ensure their safety and efficacy.
Because of our innovative and efficient treatment procedures, you can expect visible improvements after just a few sessions.
Yes, our expert dieticians construct tailored meal regimens to supplement and speed up the weight loss process.