7 Tips for Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss [Bouncing Back After Baby]

by | Sep 14, 2024 | Weight loss | 0 comments


Being a new mom is equally exciting and exhausting. But the stress of shedding those pregnancy kilos is very real. Don’t worry, with proper nutrition, exercise, and practice, losing your postpartum weight is not that big of a deal! Read till the end of the blog to learn more about post-pregnancy weight loss!

Becoming a new mother is one of the most exciting and transformative experiences a woman can have. Along with the joys of motherhood come a number of physical changes, including post-pregnancy weight gain. 

It is common for women to retain weight after giving birth, but many feel pressure to quickly regain their pre-baby bodies. The reality is that post-pregnancy weight loss is a journey, and it is important to approach it with patience and a focus on overall health and wellness. 

In this blog, we will provide tips for Post-Pregnancy weight loss and advice for bouncing back after the baby, with a focus on healthy and sustainable weight loss. 

Whether you’re a new mother or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you reach your goals and feel confident and empowered in your post-pregnancy body.

What is ‘Baby Weight’: Understanding Post-Pregnancy Weight Gain

“Baby weight” is a term used to describe the weight gained during pregnancy, which is a normal and necessary part of the pregnancy process. 

The body gains weight during pregnancy to support the growing foetus and prepare for childbirth. The foetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, and an increase in fat stores to support lactation typically account for this weight gain.

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Pregnancy weight gain can vary significantly based on a number of factors, including pre-pregnancy weight, gestational age, and health concerns. On average, women gain between 25 and 35 pounds throughout pregnancy.

It is important to note that not all women will lose all of their “baby weight” immediately after giving birth. In fact, many women find that it takes several months, or even years, to fully regain their pre-pregnancy weight.

7 Tips For Post-Pregnancy Weight Loss

tips for post pregnancy weight loss

7. Don’t Crash Diet

It can be tempting to try to lose weight rapidly by embarking on a crash diet after giving birth. These diets can cause emotions of deprivation and are frequently unsustainable, which makes it challenging to maintain your weight loss goals. 

Instead, focus on altering your diet gradually and sustainably so that you can stick with it over time.

6. Eat Foods High in Fibre

Fibre-rich foods can make you feel satisfied and full, which can prevent overeating and help you maintain a healthy weight. Several fibre-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, should be a part of your diet.

5. Breastfeeding Helps Too!

Since breastfeeding burns calories and helps in the body’s recovery after childbirth, it can be a great approach to support post-pregnancy weight loss. Furthermore, nursing may produce hormones that encourage a feeling of fullness, making it simpler to control one’s appetite.

4. Focus On Portion Control

As overeating can add extra calories to your diet and disrupt weight loss efforts, paying attention to portion sizes can help you maintain a healthy weight. To help manage portion sizes, try using a food scale, measuring cups, or smaller plates.

3. Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are a key cause of weight gain since they frequently contain a lot of calories, bad fats, and added sugars. Consume whole, minimally processed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, as opposed to other types of food.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for overall health and can also have a significant impact on weight loss efforts. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night to support your weight loss journey.

1. Have Realistic Expectations

Losing weight after pregnancy can be a slow and difficult process, so it is important to set realistic goals. It’s also important to remember that every mother’s journey is unique, and it’s okay if losing weight takes longer than you expected. 

The most important thing is to keep a positive attitude and make healthy choices.

Importance of a Balanced Diet and Physical Activity

importance of a balanced diet and physical activity

Finding the time and energy to focus on reducing weight after pregnancy can be challenging for new mothers. However, including a balanced diet and regular exercise in your regimen can significantly improve your general health and weight loss attempts.

In order to recuperate from childbirth and maintain milk production, your body needs the nutrients that a balanced diet gives. This is why it’s very important to lose weight after giving birth. You can feel fuller for longer and avoid overeating by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to practice portion control and be aware of your food intake because overeating and consuming an excessive amount of empty calories might disrupt weight loss efforts.

Due to its ability to increase metabolism and help in calorie burning, physical activity is also essential for post-pregnancy weight loss. Regular exercise can also boost energy, lower stress, and enhance mood. It is recommended that new mothers start off slowly with exercise, like walking, then build up to more strenuous exercises as they gain strength.

It is also important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting an exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions or complications related to your pregnancy.

Visit VeCura Wellness For Easy Postpartum Weight Loss!

Losing your post-pregnancy weight can be quite challenging. However, you need to have patience and set realistic goals. VeCura Wellness provides The Ultratone Treatment for postpartum inch loss. We also offer special programs for the same.

This treatment can help new mothers get back in shape after their delivery and in losing tummy fat, toning and firming the skin, and of course, helping with inch loss. If you are a new mother looking to shed your post-pregnancy kilos, the ultratone treatment can help you achieve your goal effectively.

Note: Nursing mothers & C-Section mothers cannot get the treatment until one year after the delivery.


Losing weight after pregnancy can be a challenging and overwhelming process, but it is important to remember that every mother’s journey is unique. 

By setting realistic goals, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, incorporating physical activity, managing stress, and seeking support, new mothers can achieve their weight loss goals while also taking care of their health and well-being. 

It is important to be kind and patient with yourself, as post-pregnancy weight loss is a journey that takes time and effort. So, focus on making small, sustainable changes that work for your lifestyle and give yourself time to adjust.

And if you are looking for someone to help you throughout the process and make losing weight a breeze, don’t forget to visit VeCura Wellness!

Note: To explore more engaging content and stay connected, feel free to visit VeCura Wellness YouTube channel for exciting videos, insightful discussions, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long should it take to lose postpartum weight?

You can expect to lose weight initially, but it might take up to a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Most women lose, on average, 10 to 13 pounds after giving birth (plus the placenta and amniotic fluid that came with it). 

2. What should I eat to reduce weight after delivery?

To reduce weight after delivery, focus on eating a balanced and nutritious diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit processed and sugary foods and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

3. Which fruit is best after delivery?

Fruits high in vitamins, minerals, and fibre, such as berries, kiwis, papayas, and oranges, are recommended for new mothers as they aid in recovery and support a healthy diet. 

4. What is the best breakfast for breastfeeding?

The perfect breakfast for breastfeeding mothers includes fresh fruit, dried fruits such as apricots, figs, and prunes, cereal with milk, or toast or oatcakes. Taking a vitamin D supplement is also recommended.

5. Is it normal to be overweight after pregnancy?

Yes, gaining weight after giving birth is normal. This is caused by a variety of factors including hormonal changes, physical recovery, and lifestyle modifications. For long-term success, a healthy and progressive weight loss plan is recommended.

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