Why is Sleep Important to Weight Loss?

Why is Sleep Important to Weight Loss

If you are googling, “Is sleep important to weight loss?” we got you. It’s high time to make you understand that sleep is a natural process and works wonders in your weight loss journey.

Introduction: Why is Sleep Important To Weight Loss?

“Calorie check—tick. Hit the gym—tick. Track macros—tick. Urghh, but why am I not losing weight?”

If you can relate to the frustration from the above scenario, you are not alone! You might be torturing your head, wondering why you cannot shed those extra pounds despite following a strict diet and exercise routine. 

But what if we told you that there is an often overlooked factor, and there is a chance you are missing that, too? Well, that’s none other than your sleep schedule. 

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Sleep plays a critical role in overall health, particularly when it comes to weight loss. In this blog, let’s see how sleep impacts your waistline and discuss the practical tips for incorporating better sleep habits. So, from now on, despite how busy your life is, get a good amount of sleep! 

Uh-oh. No compromises on that! 

Science Behind Science and Weight Loss

When you don’t get enough sleep, you lose control over your body. 

There are two hormones- leptin and ghrelin in your body that control your hunger and keep you full. So, with less sleep, you will feel more hungry, even though you just ate a meal fit for the king! This will push you to snack on more, leading to overeating. 

According to the NIH study, Adults who slept five hours or less per night over a workweek gained an average of 3 pounds, and their insulin sensitivity declined. This is because, at night, they had more after-dinner snacks than those who slept for normal hours

According to a clinical study, Adults who increased their sleep hours reduced their calorie intake by an average of 270 calories compared to those who were sleep-deprived. 

Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain: Hormonal Imbalance

Adults with shorter sleep duration are more likely to experience weight gain due to hormonal changes that increase appetite and reduce the feeling of fullness. 

  • Increased Appetite: When you are sleep-deprived, the level of the Leptin and Ghrelin hormones, responsible for satiety and appetite regulation, gets out of order. Leptin, which tells your brain you are full, takes a sudden drop by nearly 16%. Meanwhile, Ghrelin, which makes you hungry, increases by 15%. 
  • Release of stress hormone: When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces increased cortisol levels, also known as the “stress hormone”, which can stimulate hunger and abdominal fat storage, leading to metabolic dysfunction. 

Metabolism and Sleep

Sleep deprivation decreases the body’s resting metabolic rate, which is the number of calories burned at rest. 

A study found that adults who slept an average of five hours a night over two weeks had a 20% decrease in their metabolic rate. While those who enjoyed a full, solid night’s sleep didn’t experience any decline in metabolic rate. 

Here is how sleep impacts your metabolism,

  • Energy balance: Poor sleep quality impairs your body’s ability to regulate energy balance. It reduces the amount of energy expended during the day while increasing hunger and appetite.
  • Glycogen Storage: When you sleep well, your body maintains adequate glycogen storage for excellent athletic performance and weight management. 

Impact on Food Choices

People who lack adequate sleep often find themselves reaching out for extra snacks late at night. It is because of poor impulse control and decision-making that people make unhealthy food choices. 

  • Altered reward pathways: Sleep deprivation affects the brain’s reward pathways, causing increased food consumption and cravings for high-calorie and unprocessed foods. 
  • Decreased inhibition: A study found that sleep-deprived people experienced brain activity changes that made them less able to make healthy food choices. 

Stress, Sleep and Weight Loss

We already discussed the increased levels of cortisol. Here’s another page on the connection between stress, sleep and weight loss. 

  • Mental Health: Lack of sleep causes stress and anxiety and increases the chance of experiencing depression, which leads to increased calorie intake and weight gain.
  • Visceral Fat: Sleep deprivation and elevated levels of cortisol lead to an increase in visceral fat, the dangerous kind that surrounds major organs and raises the risk of several diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. 

Importance of Quality Sleep

Now, let’s talk about quality vs. quantity. 

Your sleeping pattern should be analysed by the number of hours you sleep and how well you sleep. It is not a good slumber if you get eight hours of sleep but are disrupted by frequent awakenings. It will disrupt the natural release of hormones, increase stress levels, and slow down your overall metabolism. 

Hence, you should address issues like sleep disturbances, sleep efficiency, and sleep latency to get better sleep.  Ideally, 7 to 9 hours of sleep is needed. 

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7 Tips for Incorporating Better Sleep Habits

Here are some tips for incorporating better sleep habits. 

  • Have a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day for 21 days, and it will become a habit. Having a sleep schedule regulates your circadian rhythm. 
  • Have a sleep routine: Before sleeping, indulge in relaxing activities like a warm bath, meditation, or listening to soft music. After a few days of this practice, your body will know it’s time to shut down. 
  • Go device-free: Stop using gadgets for at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Screens emit blue light that can interrupt your sleep cycle. 
  • Limit late-night snacking: Do not consume large or heavy meals within three hours of bedtime to ensure proper digestion and reduce disrupted sleep. 
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment: For good sleep, invest in a comfortable mattress, pillow, and blackout curtains. 
  • Manage stress: Tackle stress through relaxing activities like yoga or muscle relaxation techniques. 
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise (yoga, light stretching, and breathing exercises) will make you fall asleep faster and also enhance your sleep quality. 


Here you have the answer to your doubt, “Is sleep important to weight loss?” Yes, it is! Sleep is not just a luxury but a necessity for overall health and well-being. By understanding the science behind sleep and its impact on our bodies, we can make better choices regarding our weight loss journey!

So, tonight, tuck yourself in a little earlier and sleep peacefully. You will get to know the benefits of a good night’s sleep very soon!

Sleep contributes to weight loss by regulating Ghrelin and Leptin hormones, which control appetite and satiety. It also supports a healthy metabolism and influences food choices. But sleep alone cannot help you lose excess pounds. 
So, what really does? If you want to lose weight through a safe and effective process, you should head to VeCura Wellness. 

Approach VeCura Wellness For Effortless Weight Loss!

VeCura Wellness is a leading slimming clinic that provides treatments for weight loss, inch loss, fat loss, and body contouring. The treatments are scientifically proven, non-invasive, give quick results, are FDA-approved, and are tailored according to your concerns. 

For weight loss, the wellness experts suggest Ultrasound Therapy, PPC, or Premier Plus Weight Loss Plan treatments. 

With the leverage of ultrasonic energy, advanced infrared light technology, radio frequency and heat therapies, these treatments target stubborn fat cells and help you shed a few pounds in a few sessions without any downtime. 

So, stop worrying about excess weight and visit our branches at, 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Can lack of sleep affect weight loss?

Sleep deprivation can affect weight loss by disrupting hunger hormones, leading to increased cravings and a slower metabolism.

2) How many hours should I sleep to lose weight?

You should aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep to support weight loss efforts and overall health. 

3) How should I sleep to lose weight?

You should establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a relaxing sleep environment, and prioritise sleep quality. 

4) Is it OK to go to bed hungry?

Extreme hunger can disrupt your sleep quality. Opt for a light, healthy snack at least two hours before sleep.

5) Does lack of sleep increase belly fat?

Yes! Sleep deprivation can enhance your cortisol levels, disrupt metabolism, and emphasise the importance of quality sleep for weight management. 

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